Royal Canin Mini Dermacomfort 皮膚糧(小型犬)

Royal Canin Mini Dermacomfort 皮膚糧(小型犬)

價錢 $308.00 熱賣

刺激的皮膚對任何人(包括您的狗)都沒有樂趣。 您是否知道刺激皮膚是狗被帶到獸醫的第一原因? 敏感,發癢的皮膚意味著很多抓撓,並且您的狗可能會用爪子損壞其皮膚-最終有感染的危險。 ROYALCANIN®Dermacomfort Mini的減少過敏原配方是使用特定選擇的蛋白質精心製備的。 這種經過特別調整的營養有助於使狗的皮膚保持最佳狀態。 而且,它還有助於保持狗的飽滿和健康的外衣。 ROYALCANIN®Dermacomfort Mini適用於體重不超過10公斤的狗,其精心設計的粗磨非常適合您的狗牙齒之間。 這種特別美味的食譜是專為您的狗的健康而設計的。 它包含Omega 3和6種脂肪酸,包括GLA,EPA和DHA,有助於支撐和滋養皮膚,從而使其對狗環境中的刺激性不敏感。


大米,植物蛋白分離物*,小麥,動物脂肪,玉米麵筋,去殼燕麥,玉米,水解的動物蛋白,礦物質,大豆油,甜菜漿,魚油,亞麻籽,低聚果糖,棕櫚酸酯和甘油二酸酯 硬脂酸與檸檬酸,琉璃苣油,萬壽菊提取物(葉黃素的來源)酯化。


Irritated skin is no fun for anyone, including your dog. Did you know that skin irritation is the number one reason dogs are taken to the vet? Sensitive, itchy skin means a lot of scratching, and your dog can damage his skin with his claws – ultimately risking infection. ROYAL CANIN® Dermacomfort Mini’s reduced allergen formula is carefully prepared using a specifically selected range of proteins. This specially adapted nutrition helps keep your dog’s skin in the best possible condition. What’s more, it also helps to maintain your dog’s full and healthy coat. Suitable for dogs that weigh up to 10kg, ROYAL CANIN® Dermacomfort Mini contains carefully designed kibble that fits perfectly between your dog’s teeth. This extra-tasty recipe is specially crafted for your dog’s wellbeing. It contains Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, including GLA, EPA and DHA, to help support and nourish skin, making it less sensitive to irritants in your dog’s environment. 


rice, vegetable protein isolate*, wheat, animal fats, maize gluten, husked oats, maize, hydrolysed animal proteins, minerals, soya oil, beet pulp, fish oil, flax seeds, fructo-oligo-saccharides, mono - and diglycerides of palmitic and stearic acids esterified with citric acid, borage oil, marigold extract (source of lutein).